Women who write music are still far outnumbered by their male peers. We need to address this inequality. Here's how I hate the old adage that creative work from women and men comes from a different place; you know, that lasses are writing music inspired only by the sea/Japanese court love poetry/constellations (delete as appropriate) whereas men only write forward-thrusting, rhythmic, dynamic scores. In the same way that Kathryn Bigelow can direct a movie about sweaty men blowing each other up in Iraq, women can write driving, funky bombasts (see Anna Meredith and Tansy Davies ). Orlando Gough wrote a one-woman opera based in a domestic setting, and I've performed plenty of beautiful, melodic delicacies composed by chaps. Everyone is different. Everyone writes different sorts of music. Enough said. But is there a gender gap in the music industry? Well yes. The facts are clear: 14% of the PRS for Music Foundation's (the Performing Rights Society of composers, songwriters and mus...